Sunday, January 23, 2011


After reading a few blog posts about striping walls I wanted to try it out.  I am not sure that I like it enough to stripe the walls of a room (maybe a hallway like sabbespot) so I decided to start with something small.  I have an Ikea Expedit bookcase that I store all my craft stuff in.  Right now it is a white bookcase with white organizers.  It looks nice but it needs some color.  I decided to try the stripes out on a few of the boxes.  My first try (and only so far) didn't go so well.  I used painter's tape which...duh...isn't the best idea for cardboard boxes.  It ripped the top layer off of the box.  I like the stripes but I need help!  What's the best way to get the stripes without tape?  Suggestions please!



  1. Chalk lines and a really steady hand...

  2. You could use different colored tape and layer that without painting it at all. I think they had it on Racheal Ray's show a few weeks ago where they made it look like wallpaper. So jealous of your craft shelf!

  3. Brian, if you find a steady hand let me know...

    Erin, thanks! That gives me some ideas!!

  4. koos says there is a special painters tape..... or else indeed a steady hand

  5. oh no, this is no good! I wish I had better advice other than a ruler and a steady hand too. Good luck, let us know how they come out if you try something else!


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