Sunday, August 24, 2014

Glass Onion Top

If I do something creative at night it takes me FOREVER to come down from the creative high. Does that happen to anyone else?  Anyone?  Well, after two nights of sewing I planned to take a break and get a good nights sleep.  Whitney had different plans, however.

"I've got a plan."
She picked up some pattern pieces, got some fabric from my work room and laid it ALL out on the floor.  Unfolded....perfectly laid out.  She picked the fabric she liked best and then laid out the pattern pieces on top.  She told me she was going to make it herself but after looking at it for a few seconds she changed her tune and asked if she could help me.  I said no because it was bedtime so she changed her tune again and told me I was making her a shirt to be done in the morning.  I can I not?  My kid is excited for me to make her something.  That is probably the biggest compliment I can hope for.  It honestly makes me feel better than any other form of flattery I have ever experienced.  So..I sewed another night.

I wasn't sure about the fabric and tried to change her mind but she was adamant.  I love me a girl who knows what she wants.

I used the Glass Onion Top pattern by Shwin Designs.  I saw it for the first time Thursday and bought it immediately.  My heart was pounding.  There is variation with pleats in the back that I NEED to make.  I was dying to try this pattern, though, and the fabric Whit chose was only a half yard which was barely enough for the non pleated version.  Woot woot High School Geometry.  It was a puzzle but I got every piece cut out of the half yard I had...the instructions call for a yard of fabric!


The thing I love most about this pattern is the shape of the back of the neck.  It adds interest.  There are a few patterns out there similar to this but that low back with an option for pleating makes it special.

The back is open with overlapping panels and a low-ish back.

I finished the shirt and it was cute.  I wasn't in love but if Whit likes it then so be it.

She put that thing on when she woke up in the morning and refused to take it off all day.  Good news is that once she put it on I freaking loved it.  It works great on her in that fabric.

"Trust me, Mom.  I know what I am doing....about everything...ever" -Whit's face
It feels like it wasn't long ago that I had to bribe her to try anything on and she automatically hated everything I made.  Now she loves it.  (Please let this last!)

Best part of it all?  I was at Joanns with B, Whit, and my Gma.  My Gma Gigie kindly took Whit and B on a tour of the store while I shopped for fabric.  She told B and Whit she would buy them each a treat and do you know what Whit went to right away?  The SEWING MACHINES.  Be still my heart.  This girl and I are going to get along just fine.


  1. Found your blog thru flickr....adorable stuff! I especially love this and the lavender glass onion top. They are both so sweet. :). -Erin

    1. Thanks! I appreciate you checking out my blog and commenting!


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