Monday, July 1, 2013

Creative update.

Oh blog...I miss you.  We have been getting settled in here in GA.  It has been slow going in the creativity department.  Lately, though, I have started flexing those muscles again.  Here are some creative projects I have been able to complete.... Yay for having time to complete some things... I plan to blog more details about some of these but here is a quick run down.

Whit turned two.  This picture, taken just at the beginning of setting the food out, shows the table runner I made.  I made everything from the star stencil used for the design to sewing the ric rac on.  Complicated stuff? No.  Very fun and mindless...YES!

This isn't exactly creative but man is it beautiful and inspiring.  I took a little birthday trip...mine...not Whit' Atlanta to meet up with my college BFF.  This temple is the Baps Shri Swaminarayan Mandir located just outside Atlanta....of all places!  It is incredible.  It is made entirely of intricately carved white stone...inside and out.  I am so glad we made the last minute decision to check it out.  It is located next to a Walgreens and across the street from a Publix.  Totally fits in.

Polymer clay beads.  This was the most fun craft I have done with my kids.  I like this stuff because it is gluten free and we can bake it and keep our creations forever....unlike Play Doh which stinks, has gluten, and we can't keep our awesome creations.  

The clay craft all began when B lost one of his favorite cars.  For some reason clay and this car came up together and B requested I make him a clay version.  I did.  When it came out of the oven he sadly realized that it wasn't going to bake itself into the actual toy.  Many tears followed.  

Dubbed the "Car Wash" by B.  It is a glorified sprinkler that we made to get the kids to stay outside.  They aren't fully used to this heat yet.  The car wash has really helped.

I painted our dining room chairs.  The best story I have from this project is I dunked my pony tail in the can of paint.  I got it out of my hair but the smell stayed in my nose for days.

This picture doesn't really do much for the project and who knows why that plaid tin is in the picture...toddlers.  I had some of these cheap cubes from Ikea.  The covers they came with were black but got bleached by the sun pretty quickly.  I have wanted to make new covers for a while...I am ashamed to say 2ish years...but haven't been inspired enough by any fabric to do it....until now.  They are wild but they look great under the sofa table.  You'll see.

I made some jewelry!  A wrap bracelet..

The one on the right... 

I played with a hammer and some wire.

More hammer and wire.  I was really just playing around one night.  At first I hated how the hearts turned out but I wear the bottom one with a few other stackable bracelets almost every day.

Pearl and gold wire chain and stone pendant.  I was going to put this up in Etsy...While I tried it on to show my mom, Whit got a funny look on her face and proceded to throw up...all over me...and the necklace.  Now the necklace is all mine.

Green pearl and gold chain with stone beads.

My first solo upholstery project.  Don't mind the styling. (styling..ha)  I bought those chairs at an auction for about 10 each and they are worth a few hundred!  I was the only bidder.  Can't beat that.

And finally, I painted my chandelier purple.  There are those dining chairs pre-paint.

And that's what I have been up to!  See you sooner rather than later! Blogging muscles..officially flexed.


  1. Wow! Your creations are fantastic! Keep being creative :)

  2. Thanks, lady! Glad you stopped by!


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