Thursday, April 28, 2011

Delayed Made it Monday: Soft Roman Shades

I am sitting, writing and watching American Idol results while Sean hangs the Roman Shades I finished earlier this week.  I would feel bad but I spent a lot of time on my feet making those shades.  So I deserve a seat!

(Standard disclaimer:  I suck at photography and I am impatient to wait for daylight.  I sincerely apologize and feeling obligated to apologize for my poor photography is slowly motivating me to get better.)


Using the sage advice of my Mom and this book I made soft roman shades for our play room.   It was my first time working with what I would consider to be a large volume of fabric.  (my Mom is probably laughing her "you have no idea" laugh...I have seen some of the window treatments she constructed....and this is nothing...but it was a lot more than a 24x24 pillow's worth of fabric, Mom!)  I know myself and I knew at some point "done is better than good" would seep it's way into my work.  I can only sew so many straight lines before I get bored and just want to be done.  I find that the better plan I have laid out the longer I can ward off the boredom.  Having steps in a list to check off excites me unfortunately.  

When I hemmed the sides I got lazy and didn't check to make sure I got the width exactly right and went ahead and hemmed the bottom (which involves walking upstairs to press the double hem before sewing it downstairs....and I am extremely it was especially lazy not to check)  When I did end up checking I discovered I was about 1/2 an inch too narrow on each shade.  Cursing ensued.  Seam ripping ensued.  There was a tornado of annoyance and strings in our living room....but I got them to the right width.  I won't talk about the bottom being slightly uneven on one of them.  I decided the blinds would be open most of the time so it was ok.  

So that's my story.  

The fabric is Chipper (Corn Yellow/Slub) from Premier Prints and I love it.  


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